Management training
Brand and communications expertise

How do we know what we're talking about? Thirty years in corporate communications. Winston's mother company is Day 1. We have worked with organisations of all sizes over three decades creating identities, developing brands, writing and implementing communications strategies, designing and producing visual communications in all media. We work within senior management teams and understand what makes organisations succeed in many fields.

Outside of professional life, competitive sailing is our lifelong sporting passion. For more than 20 years we have used it as a medium to help our clients to build their networks and develop their teams.

Ultimately, teamwork is about communication – our professional field. Successful sailing teams communicate continuously throughout every race, with every team member understanding the value of the communication to the performance of the boat, whether it's wind shifts, gusts, approaching boats, tactics, sail trim, tidal flows, or reacting to racing rules.

We have invested in Winston not only as a business in its own right, but to develop the relationship between business practice, continuous improvement and participation in team sport from which everyone in a client organisation can benefit. Sounds lofty, but we mean it.

If internal or external communication is on your list for challenges to address, we are experienced workshop facilitators as well as strategic communications planners. We'd be delighted to work with you to develop your people as well as your corporate communications in an integrated programme.

Winston was the perfect choice for sailing with a team of associates and clients in the Little Britain Challenge Cup. Everyone in our group was impressed with both her performance and comfort below decks.

Robert McLean

Corner Studio